Druids by Amocin



Age: 25
Race: Worgen
Class: Druid
Specialty: Feral

Bio: Kinar's many scars show that not only is she a bad person to have your back in battle, but she is also an inefficient healer to boot. While most would take that as a sign of weakness, none are willing to call her bluff the moment she starts giving a disapproving glare. When not giving the glare of doom, she is as shy and as timid as a mouse, which often wins the hearts of even the most hardened soldiers.


Age: 29
Race: Tauren
Class: Druid
Specialty: Balance

Bio: Serid is a tough guy, and he needs to be with such a pretty face, otherwise people wouldnt take him seriously. As a Master Druid, his first student was forced on him after a fight that nearly killed her. While not completely reformed to the idea of loving thy enemy, he has taken a step back on raids that consisted of killing those of the new wolven race. Around others he keeps up the appearance that he hates every moment he spends with Kinar, but in private he cant keep his hands off her.


Age: 32
Race: Worgen
Class: Death Knight
Specialty: Frost

Bio: There is little doubt that Amo is a killer, but she is also a woman, and loves every bit of gossip she can get her claws on. When she is not soaked in blood, she seeks 'details' from her fellow friends of their adventures and exploits, the dirtier the better.


Age: 5
Race: Netherwing Drake

Bio: How Kinar acquired a netherwing egg is a mystery, but nobody could deny that magic is what caused the hatchling to mature as quickly as he did. Unlike other dragons, Anders does not speak, though he seems to understand what others are saying clearly and can follow more complex commands then a domesticated pet. There is a lot of unknowns about this creature, but one thing is very certain, he is completely loyal to his rider.

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